Child Safeguarding

Child protection is uppermost in the minds of all our school community. No effort will be spared to ensure the happiness and safety of all our children. The Staff and Board of Management of St. Joseph's National School have developed and agreed to this policy in line with the current recommendations and guidelines relating to child protection guidelines and child abuse prevention.

This policy addresses the responsibilities of the school in the following areas:

PREVENTION – curricular provision
PROCEDURES – procedures for dealing with concerns/disclosures
PRACTICE – best practice in child protection

A copy of the policy document is available by clicking the "Child Safeguarding Statement" link below.

All staff members are fully familiar with ‘Children First’ and the DES child protection guidelines and procedures.
Child Protection Risk AssesmentChild Protection Risk Assesment

Child Protection Risk Assesment

Child Safeguarding StatementChild Safeguarding Statement

Child Safeguarding Statement

Notification Regarding Annual ReviewNotification Regarding Annual Review

Notification Regarding Annual Review

Designated Liaison Persons

Principal                 vice principal