St Joseph’s ACTIVE Flag
About the Active School Flag Project:
The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative which recognises schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community, by awarding them with an Active School Flag (ASF).
To learn more about the Active School Flag Initiative, visit their website –

We are striving to earn our first Active School Flag. A lot of work goes into creating a physically active school community. The Active Schools Committee, staff and children work together to ensure everyone accesses a broad and balanced PE curriculum. As part of the process we informed and invited the Whole School Community to participate in the Active School Flag process.
Over the course of the 2 year programme a great number and range of physical activities were provided in St Joseph’s including a full Active School Week.
Activities include
- Cumann na mBunscoil football
- Gymnastics for infant classes
- Swimming provided for Junior Infants – 4th class
- Traditional School Sports Day
- Be Active After School Programme for 1st class
- Outdoor & Adventure Orienteering
- Swimming Lessons for Parents
- Hip Hop Dance with Peelo School of Dance
- Operation Transformation
- Indoor Hall Athletics
- Parent’s Walking group
- Halloween Fancy Dress Disco
- Active Tours
- WOW – Walk on Wednesday as part of the Green Schools
- Active School Slogan Competition
- Health Promotion Workshops ran by GAA
- Achievements Book put together by Active Schools Committee
- Active School Flag Link on Website maintained by Active Schools Committee
- ASF Notice board maintained by Active Schools Committee
- Tennis Lessons
- After school Basketball training
- After school Gaelic football training provided for members of our teams
- FAI Soccer
- Bike Safe Workshop
- Participation in Schools Basketball League

10 @ 10
All the classes in St Joseph’s took part in the Operation Transformation took part in the initiative. The ASF Coordinator made the you tube clip available for all classes. Great fun was had by all staff and children alike.
Aimee from the Peelo School of Dance started with us in September. She has worked with all classes from infants up to 6th class for a block of 5 weeks. The classes get to perform a number of styles of dance from hip hop to zumba to country. It gave a great opportunity to classes to experience

Girls from 5th and 6th class take part in the schools league. They compete with many of the other schools from all around the county. They train every Wednesday after school in the school hall or in the local sports hall. They team are trained by Ms Dooley, Ms Gilmartin and Ms Dooley. They have made great progress and won the Divison 3 final on March 8th. Well done girls.
This year Ms. Butler, Mr. Mc Weeney & Mr. Bannon took over the role of coaches for the GAA teams in the school. Girls from 4th and 5th class started back training in January. They train weekly after school for one hour every Monday. They are working on their ball handling skills and kicking skills. We are not taking part in any competitions this year but hope to have some friendly games later in the year.

Sportshall Athletics
A number of children from 3rd-6th Class took part in the County Longford SPORTSHALL ATHLETICS Festival in St. Mel's College just before the school closed. The group competed against other schools from all over the county for a chance to go to the regional finals. They Athletics team also took part in the DIVERSITY GAMES in Athlone on JAnuary 23rd & came home with 15 medals!
All classes have a block of swimming lessons from infants up to 4th class. Aquatics is an important part of the curriculum and all children are encouraged to take part with their class. St Joseph’s takes part in the Primary Aquatic Water Safety (PAWS) for 2nd/3rd and 4th class in conjunction with the local pool Coral Leisure. Each class takes part in water safety lessons so that they can learn how to stay safe around water.

Each class will take part in 30 minutes of activity for a week. Activities include dancing, football, skipping, and HIIT classes to name a few. This is a very enjoyable week for teachers and children.

Healthy Ireland
In 2016 we were awarded the Healthy Ireland Flag for all our hard work in improving the health of the school community. The programme supports schools to focus on health and wellbeing and involves all members of the school community. We first started this process back in 2012 with the help of the ACE Coordinator Anne Marie Bennett.
Here are some ‘Active Ideas’ for home:
1. Go for pre- or post-dinner walks
2. Turn up the music and boogie down!
3. Make a game out of household chores.
4. Sneak workouts into other activities i.e. taking the stairs instead of the escalator.
5. Turn TV ad breaks into fitness breaks.
6. Have a weekly sports night, where everyone in the family gets involved.
7. Let the kids help with work in the yard and with gardening – catch leaves, raking, sorting, digging, planting, etc.
8. Join a local club i.e. GAA, rugby, tennis, dance, etc.